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Forton VF-774xx / 18,14 kg

What is Forton VF-774

Forton VF-774 is a full acrylic and co-polymer dispersion, specially made for the GFRC production process. It improves the glass fiber reinforced concrete. The VF-774 variant is UV resistant and is composed in such a way that it can withstand the high pH value of Portland cement.

It is ideal for : Concrete facade panels - Concrete tables/countertops- Concrete garden furniture

What are the benefits of Forton VF-774?

- Eliminates the need for seven days of post-treatment of the GFRC composite. Normally this is necessary to achieve maximum strength.
- A denser, cured product that reduces water absorption and moisture penetration.
- Prevention of micro cracks and cracks due to the soft polymer particles between the cement particles and the sand grain.
- Significant improvements in the long-term durability of the GFRC composite, especially the maintenance of the long-term bending stress to failure properties, i.e. ductility of the composite (based on a 20-year independent testing program).
- The VF-774 includes a PCI Certificate. This means that the product complies with Annex G of the MNL 130, a manual for quality control of glass fiber strength concrete products to eliminate the seven-day post-treatment of the GFRC composite.
- Improved workability of mixtures with a low water-cement factor. Furthermore, it increases the strength of the cement matrix.
- Easy to spray on vertical surfaces without the shotcrete sagging.
-Improved dispersion of iron oxide dyes for more consistent coloring between different batches.
- UV resistant so that the surfaces do not discolour.

Shelf life: Can be kept in its original packaging for at least 6 months after production, if stored in a dry and frost-free place.

224,91 EUR

precio sin 21% IVA .

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