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Buy Smooth-On at FormX

Smooth-On es uno de los principales fabricantes mundiales de materiales de modelado 3D, como materiales para la fabricación de moldes, fundición y efectos especiales, pero también resinas, adhesivos y equipos de fundición industrial. FormX es el principal distribuidor de productos Smooth-On en toda Europa.

Plat-Cat™Platinum Silicone Cure Accelerator es un aditivo diseñado para acelerar el tiempo de curado de los productos de caucho de silicona de platino Smooth-On sin afectar significativamente las propiedades físicas finales. Esto permite una extracción (desmoldeo) mucho más rápida de una pieza o molde de goma del modelo original. El acelerador se agrega por peso a la Parte A y debe mezclarse completamente con la Parte A antes de agregar la Parte B. Nota: Agregar el acelerador reduce drásticamente la vida útil (tiempo que tiene para mezclar y verter el material) del producto de caucho líquido


  • Plat-Cat™ /3,63 kg

    Plat-Cat™ /3,63 kg

    332,66 EUR


Safety - Use in a properly ventilated area (“room size” ventilation). Wear safety glasses, long sleeves and rubber gloves to minimize contamination risk. Store and use material at room temperature 23°C This product has a limited shelf life and should be used as soon as possible.

Example - Ecoflex 00-30 (1:1 Mix Ratio): To reduce the demold time of Ecoflex 00-30 from 4 hours to 1 hour, add 40 grams of accelerator to 1000 grams of Ecoflex 00-30 Part A. Mix thoroughly for one minute, making sure that you scrape the sides and bottom of your container several times. Next, add 1000 grams of Part B and mix thoroughly for one minute, again making sure that you scrape the bottom and sides of your container several times. Do not delay between mixing and pouring, as your pot life is about 10 minutes. In about 1 hour, the rubber mold can be removed from the original model.

Example – Smooth Sil 940 (10:1 Mix Ratio): To reduce the demold time of Smooth-Sil 940 from 16 hours to 2.5 hours, add 20 grams ofaccelerator to 1000 grams of Smooth-Sil 940 Part A. Mix thoroughly for one minute, making sure that you scrape the sides and bottom of your container several times. Next, add 100 grams of Part B and mix thoroughly for one minute, again making sure that you scrape the bottom and sides of your container several times. Do not delay between mixing and pouring, as your pot life is about 10 minutes. In about 3 hours, the rubber mold can be removed from the original model.

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Todos nuestros productos enumerados por aplicaciones: "Lifecasting", Escultura, Moldes, Fundición, Maquillaje FX, Réplicas, Dientes y Kits de aprendizaje.

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