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UreCoat™ /18,14kg A+1,81kg B

UreCoat ™ es un uretano de dos componentes (A + B) que se puede mezclar y aplicar con brocha sobre una variedad de superficies para proporcionar un recubrimiento flexible, resistente y resistente a los impactos.

La proporción de mezcla es 100A: 10B por peso (se requiere escala de gramos), la vida útil es de 8 minutos, el tiempo de repintado es de 30 minutos, el tiempo libre de pegajosidad es de 2 horas y el curado completo es de 16 horas a 23 ° C.

UreCoat ™ no contiene ftalatos ni COV.


- Adhesivo: UreCoat ™ se adhiere a muchas superficies y se puede usar como revestimiento flexible para poliestireno expandido (espuma EPS), tela, algunos metales y plásticos, madera, cuerda (hacer enredaderas para exhibiciones en zoológicos) y más.

- Fuerte: el caucho curado es resistente y resistente a los rayos UV. UreCoat ™ se ha utilizado para reparar pieles animatrónicas de látex, máscaras, etc. dañadas o deterioradas.

- Color neutro - Úselo como base de pintura flexible: UreCoat ™ se colorea fácilmente con colorantes SO-Strong ™, UVO ™ o Ignite ™ para crear una pintura permanente para recubrir cauchos de uretano Smooth-On curados o espumas flexibles. UreCoat ™ curado se doblará y flexionará con la parte de goma o espuma.

380,31 EUR

precio sin 21% IVA .


Amount to Mix and Apply at One Time - Because this is a coating, a small amount goes a long way. Mix only what you can comfortably brush on to your target surface in 8 minutes before material sets up.

Measuring and Mixing - Before you begin, pre-mix Part B thoroughly to re-disperse components that may have settled. A gram scale is required to accurately measure 100 Parts A to 10 Parts B. After dispensing into a mixing container, mix thoroughly for 2 - 3 minutes using a square edged mixing stick. Aggressively scrape the sides and bottom of the mixing container several times. Use the square edge of the stick to bring material off of the sides of the container and blend.

Extending Working Time - Reduce the mass of the mixture to increase working time. Example: layer two sheets of aluminum foil together and create a single-use flat tray with vertical sides to contain the liquid. After mixing parts A and B, pour mixture into the aluminum foil to reduce the mass. Your working time will be significantly increased. Applying - Apply a thin layer to the surface, making sure there are no brush strokes. Wait 30 minutes for material to partially cure and apply a second layer. Subsequent layers can be added as desired.

Thinning - To thin UreCoat™, the recommended mix ratio is 100 Parts A + 10 Parts B + 25 or more Parts of 99% isopropyl alcohol or acetone depending on the application. Pre-mix solvent into Part A before adding Part B. Observe all safety precautions when handling solvents. Mix thoroughly to a uniform color (no streaks).

Thickening - UreCoat™ can be thickened to a paste-like consistency for brushing or troweling onto surfaces. Ure-Fil™ 11 is an effective filler for thickening this material. The recommended maximum filler load when using Ure-Fil™ 11 is 100 parts UreCoat™ Part A to 10 parts UreCoat™ Part B to 15 parts filler by weight. Ensure filler is dry, and pre-mix filler with Part A before combining with Part B.

Surface Finish - UreCoat™ UreCoat™ will cure with a high gloss surface finish. If a matte surface finish is desired, we recommend using UreCoat™ Matting Powder to create a permanent matte finish. UreCoat™ Matting Powder is combined with solvent and UreCoat™ which results in a long-lasting matte surface once the UreCoat™ is cured. See the UreCoat™ Matting Powder TB for more information.

Curing - Allow UreCoat™ to cure overnight (at least 16 hours) at room temperature (23°C) before handling. Full cure time can be reduced heating the material 60°C for 4 hours. Allow UreCoat™ to come to room temperature before handling. Clean Up - Gently scrape as much uncured material from surface as possible with flat edge tool. Remove remaining uncured UreCoat™ with alcohol.

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  • Réplicas

    Materiales flexibles y rígidos para colar en el interior de los moldes. Aqui encontrará resinas bicomponentes de poliuretano, epoxi y poliester en diferentes durezas. Así como espumas rígidas y flexibles, etc.

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